Collaboration between the Center for Mine Reclamation Studies of IPB University and PT Danayasa Arthatama in Land Evaluation Activities at the SCBD Area Park, Jakarta.

Collaboration between the Center for Mine Reclamation Studies of IPB University and PT Danayasa Arthatama in Land Evaluation Activities at the SCBD Area Park, Jakarta.

The Center for Mine Reclamation Studies (Reklatam), the International Research Institute for Environment and Climate Change (LRI-LPI) of IPB University, and PT Danayasa Arthatama have officially established a collaboration to evaluate the quality of parkland in the Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) area, South Jakarta.

This collaboration aims to enhance the quality of the parks in SCBD. The team of experts from IPB University will assess the land quality, produce soil characteristic data, and provide recommendations and management technologies to optimise the parks as green open spaces.

Description of SCBD Area

The Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) encompasses a business area that includes condominiums, office buildings, hotels, shopping centres, and entertainment facilities. We manage an area of 45 hectares, with 13 hectares allocated for road networks and green open spaces.

Statement from the Head of LRI-LPI IPB University

Head of LRI-LPI IPB University, Prof. Rizaldi Boer, stated that this collaboration supports the government’s program in increasing green open space (RTH) in Jakarta and reducing the impact of urbanization

“We are very enthusiastic about this collaboration. Evaluating land quality is a crucial first step in ensuring that the parks can enhance environmental quality and community well-being. Therefore, we hope this partnership can serve as an example of synergy between academia and the industrial sector in supporting sustainable development,” he stated.

Commitment of PT Danayasa Arthatama

PT Danayasa Arthatama has expressed its commitment to supporting greening efforts in SCBD. As the main developer in SCBD, we are responsible for creating a comfortable and green environment for residents and visitors. PT Danayasa Arthatama is confident in obtaining accurate evaluation results and implementing them effectively in collaboration with IPB University.

Land Evaluation Process

In this land evaluation activity, the Head of the Reklatam Study Center at IPB University, Dr. Suwardi, assigned IPB University Soil Science Expert, Ir. Hermanu Widjaja, MSc, to lead the data collection in the field. Additionally, to complete the analysis, this activity also involves a landscape expert. The landscape expert is responsible for analyzing the landscape from several points in the SCBD park area. In this way, we evaluate both the soil and landscape aspects, providing us with a comprehensive understanding of the land’s condition.

Sampling Schedule and Methodology

The team conducted field activities from June 25 to July 2, 2024. During this period, they collected soil samples and carried out field surveys at 30 points scattered across the entire lot. After sample collection was completed, the samples were sent to IPB University’s laboratory for analysis. In the laboratory, we proceeded with analysing the samples to determine the soil’s physical and chemical characteristics. This approach provided us with data that offers a clear picture of the soil conditions in the studied area. As a result, this information will be invaluable for further evaluation and decision-making related to land management.

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