Handbook for Best Available Practice in Onshore Alluvial Tin Mine Reclamation in Indonesia

Handbook for Best Available Practice in Onshore Alluvial Tin Mine Reclamation in Indonesia

Lessons Learned from the Air Kundur 3 Pilot Project, Bangka Belitung Province

Author: Dyah Tjahyandari Suryaningtyas, Budi Sulistijo, Iskandar, Untung Sudadi, Adriyanto D. Kusumo, Yeni Srihartati.

Publish: 2019

The reclamation of mining areas represents one of the most important challenges for the sustainable management of the tin mining sector in Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia. Indonesia’s regulatory framework defines the various requirements for implementing reclamation and post-mining activities. Stakeholders are always required to directly consult the details of the applicable regulations as a first step. This handbook shall provide additional recommendations for affected stakeholders for implementing reclamation, building on these regulations. The handbook aims to illustrate examples towards Best Available Practice in reclamation while noting that these procedures could be further improved and updated with increasing implementation experience.

The content of this handbook is based on lessons learned at the Air Kundur 3 pilot reclamation project which involved several Indonesian technical partners whose work was facilitated through a cooperation between the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR). Reflecting this project background, the handbook only applies to the reclamation of alluvial tin mining activities as opposed to hard rock tin mining activities that require drilling and blasting and may include underground mining methods. The handbook further only applies to onshore tin mining activities. The technical experts responsible for developing this handbook are represented by the IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University) and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), with additional contributions by Belitung Timur Regency and the BGR.

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